Walker County Council Meeting
— first Thursday of every month
The quorum hobbles through the hobbled door
of the civic center, as if being touched by God
in the hip socket were requisite for living
here. Mr. Chairman bestows the blessing
followed by the minutes, then opens the floor
for public comment. The proposed rock quarry
in Rock Spring is of chief concern, the chief
financial officer proffering the neighborly promise
to open the floor just above the water line,
which is just more lies—per Vince McGill
off Five Points Spur, down by the Helicopter Park—
to obtain the land and begin drilling well
below that, contaminating the ground-
water. Up bubbles a low murmur, then a spill over
of comments regarding the recent infestation
of litterbugs in Lafayette, the merit of another bite
on tax dollars for the county’s new Dodge Ram,
a shout out for such a damn successful Desert Storm
memorial at the library. No decisions are made,
and the contingent hobbles home the way
they came, freshly blessed to more keenly feel
the peculiar, particular wound of being here.
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