— a yellow labrador
One day you'll say your childhood
dog’s name and it will sound
a bit odd, flat, as if it
were someone else’s pet
who wandered its way
like a hair into your mouth.
You haven’t thought about her
much the past few years,
but still, you didn’t expect
she’d just disappear like that.
The scary part isn’t that she’s gone—
you loved her, but it’s a given
dogs will run away, true
to their nature. What haunts you,
rather, is the crowd of other
constancies milling about your
house, the question of which
will slip out next if you forget
and leave the door open,
even just a crack. The girl lying
next to you? The name of your homeroom
teacher? The drive home, those turns
you know in your bones? And then
what really troubles you is how
you’ll go on living without them
around anymore, how you might
even do just fine at it.
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