

— “Lead me, and I will be behind you right away. And I will do my best to be as brave as I can be.” — Telemachus to Odysseus

Even when you, the abused

beggar, are denied the scraps 

from a feast which is rightfully yours, 

mocked by the ones I let through the door. 

Even when your army consists

of nothing more than a swineherd, 

a shit-shoveler, an old maid made 

aware by your scar, your bruised heel.

Even as you string up the unfaithful 

maids of which my inner hall reels,  

slack mouths hanging open

to revel in the dust of our lust.  

Even when you fumigate the place,

burning away the loose

laughter distorting every face.

Yes, even when our doubts suggest 

a test, and we request you move 

what has always been rooted, 

the peace yet uncut,

                                 even then

let me walk behind you still 

as you name the trees in the garden 

of your father, the ones given you  

to come home for, re-plant like an oar,

and taste us, your fruit.


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