What's Good?
Another sophomore says he’s looking
forward to the weekend. I tell him one time
I was looking forward and was stung on the nose
by a hornet. Sometimes I dream of swatting
students on the nose when they say dumb shit.
It’s a Monday in September, and I want
to scream, Look around a bit,
y’all! Don’t you want to slip off your shoes
and stay awhile? But who knows what Hell
he knows, what promises from the false god
of Friday he’s sunk his teeth into, hoping
to sound an abyss whose ground
he’ll never find. More likely, though,
just another knucklehead speaking his mind.
You can get a mean crick in the neck
from all this craning I start to say,
then stop. Hell, who doesn't want to slip out
before the bell? And sure, I want them to learn to be
present, but at the end of the day
it’s nothing more than a sophomoric discontent
for a home further away than Friday that offers us
even a squatter's chance of being here
with any kind of purpose.
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