

Alright I'll drop the bit. I'm far

more simple than I would like 

to admit. I eat sweet cereal at night. 

In the morning I try on more than one 

life before I step into my own. 

When I get there I want to go 

home. I used to shuffle my feet

till I caught a callus on the clumsy seams 

with which they’ve stitched

the place. After that it was a race

to grow out my fingernails for a better grip  

on the flap of skin beneath the chin

or somewhere at back of my neck. 

(The hard part would be clearing 

the nose. After that, it would snap off 

the scalp like a swimmer’s cap.)

Heck, even pulling off my face

is a simple hope. Face it: we all just want

the chance—preferably before we die—

to look something real in the eye. 


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