New Book


Even after the long-coming completion

of the built-ins, the subsequent cramming

with appropriate matter, the question 

of what now to do with what’s been 

gathered proves to be another matter 

about which further study offers

more veiling than availing. Observe here

a remarkable species of Slow Learner

in his natural habitat—watch as he tears ravenously

into the package arrived at last 

in the post, the one holding the book 

he hopes will hold the answer he’s hoped for

in just so many other packages. 

With such a cacophony of voices

crowding out the thin air-space of his shelves, 

no wonder then he doesn’t hear the still, small 

appeal of his two-year-old daughter 

delivering what might prove to be—after 

all—the sought-after solution built into

some long-neglected nook of even those

most enamored by the word: Book down. Play blocks.


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