Oak Haven
— 3.14 acres on the Chickamauga battlefield
What grows this time of year
is all we didn’t plant: scores
of wild blackberry, tart apples from a tree
the neighbor’s grandfather imagined one day
harvesting, morning mushrooms
opening to light like a prayer.
All we didn’t do to deserve this fills
more baskets than we carry. Still,
in Spring we bike the battlefield,
rubber tread rolling over the dead
leaves of Winter. The trees bear
the burden to re-member
what is too heavy for us to hold.
This is the toil tasked
the trees. Ours too is heavy
work: to tread lightly as the doe
dew-stepping the meadow
of Mcfarland’s Gap. To tread lightly
all the way home. And when we get there
to leave the questions unanswered
as we soil our thumbs with a seeding
prayer for the seasonal resurrection
of the long rows of muscadine
the farmer never returned to pick.
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