Sunrise This Morning


Every now and then it’s good practice

to pause long enough to re-mind yourself

that you've never really seen the sun

rise over morning coffee. We're the ones

turning here. Stability's a set.

Feel that? You can’t, of course, 

sustain this perspective for long—

you’ve a job and/or family to maintain, 

and perpetual vertigo doesn’t lend itself

to a balanced lifestyle. Still, 

for a moment consider how effortless

this ability to believe that we're the rooted

factor, this penchant for projecting

all variability outwards, or even—

in this case—up. Before you stumble

off to wherever you’re going, 

turning your face away from the warm stare

which —as it turns out—never

blinks, think about how this changes things

(or doesn't). Among other things,

I guess that's up to you.


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