How to Return from the Knowing-Place
— circa 3:45pm
Begin by acknowledging how heavy
the knowing you’ve been tasked to tote.
Note how taught this tendency
to color-code, to place in the approximate
folder, how quick you’re found
to spiral-bound, staple, three-ring-
bind the unaccounted-for you find
and cram them in your bag.
Pay attention to the tension
in your spine and other central parts
of you, grown rigid as a hardback.
Now here comes the hard part:
Shrug your shoulders, the way
you used to when you didn’t know
the answer, had nothing to say.
Feel the air-conditioning kissing
your damp t-shirt as your backpack slumps
to the floor, more than muscles
loosening as you step inside and drop
it on the mat. You know the rules:
Slip off your shoes. This is what
you’ve been waiting for. All that knowing
won’t help you here.
Welcome home.
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