

The line of thinking goes 

that given time enough and patience

and an underlying trust 

that “they're doing the best 

they can,” we’ll make our way

eventually to the front of the line.


That granted, the house is tilted,

but with a few more up-front 

expenses the fixer-upper will be fixed,

and we’ll at last begin to live 

the life we imagined as something more

than a growing list of pending repairs. 

That in a couple years the offices 

will be emptied again, desks 

dusted for our people to become 

the ones to do what should’ve been done

a long time ago, and yes, 

soon we’ll get in front of this!

The line of thinking begins

as optimism, or despair resembling

it, till warping under the weight 

of its sheer self-interest

it bends gradually back on itself until

it clicks into a circle and we’re in the middle. 

Feel around. There’s no way out

of this. Best start looking up 

                        or digging down.


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