Another Center


Physicists suggest a universe

(as every one of us does, 

and daily) that is expanding, 

slow-spilling over the rim 

like steam from a coffee mug 

evaporating into the endless big. 

They don’t suggest, these physicists, 

a feasible antidote to fix this

dilemma—a history of egos, 

economies, and stars over-

reaching their delineated borders

which points to a pending collapse.


No expert on this universe

of theirs, but might I yet suggest

what’s worked for mine?

Looking up and locking eyes

with the stranger sipping a coconut

latte, textbook open in front 

of her, is all it takes. If you are able 

to see her, if only momentarily, as real,

the universal issue is solved—

with a shudder, space halves.


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