Following Tail Lights
Notoriously indecisive, this road
of ours, tunneled in by pine—a slow,
vertiginous ascent. And per cliché
the tunnel beckons with a light,
but what the cliché fails to clarify
is how it flutters back in synchronicity
with our approach, blinking out
then back in sight as we are wound
round juts and crags, if ever-towards.
Our vehicle is one inclined to hold
the flicker much the way you might
a firefly—light concluded in tight fists—
but once again it briefly disappears
around another bend in the road,
and we will follow it despite
this famine for finality. Really, what
else is there to do?—the air is better
up here, and besides, at this over-
pass we may recall how small
our worlds are, how high this faithful,
inconclusive following has led us
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