Go, and Other Imperatives


To the ends of the earth? Yes,

"where there's a will." Still: best 

give it time is all I'm driving at.

Speaking of ways, we're working at


making it straight (per the prophet's

request.) Chalk the delay up to the fact 

that the path winds through thickets

much thicker than we thought. 

That, and our machetes are blunt. 

Still: attend. Down here! A remnant

of us are hacking late into the evening.

I confess we are a rather dim

contingent, bright as the bulb 

above a motel shower-head, it’s pupil 

the silhouette of a fat, suffocated 

 cockroach. We too sporadically

wink the world dark. Still: the light

of the world. Accept our best attempt.


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