— “Accept the sacrifice of praise from those who
call upon You with their whole heart.” *
And from us who call with some, not all,
accept that the withholding is unintentional.
Yes, we confess there remains a portion
wholly dedicated to the contemplation
of how uncomfortable our knees
are. We have tried to rip it off. Unfortunately
the skin comes too. And true, the hours after
this exchange have also claimed a sliver
for themselves. Selfish bastards.
Say, might a lack of focus be considered
damning? There! You see? Uninvited
questions, too. Allow us to re-affirm that
the withholding is unintentional
and does not reflect our eval-
uation of the recipient in any way.
What follows is a request, submitted via
metaphor, which creating (in itself) admittedly
detracted from what is rightfully
yours. As such, forgive us that.
But enough delay: Deep-Run Roots,
both void of thirst and parched for
praise, if not a summer down-pour,
per se, receive nonetheless the light
afternoon drizzle that makes it through.
*The Divine Litrugy of St. John Chysostom
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