How Deep? How Vast?


        'Love is oure lordes mening' - Julian of Norwich 

Perhaps, if grossly honest with 

ourselves, our dread is less the list 

of blunders we’ve accumulated in 

this brief excursion round 

the room, (exhaustive as it is),

but more that maybe there exists

a secretarial position designated

to the work of keeping track

of our near-infinite omissions.

    Once again feigned ignorance.

    Passed up yet another chance

    to exercise the mandate. Yes, again

   invoked the name of ignorance.

If such a list exists? We're done

for, frankly, unless of course 

(and here's the rub) there were

another infinite to which He finds

himself inclined, to which He finds

himself beholden and participant,

in which we find

                           ourselves engrossed.


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