Letter to a Modern Odysseus
The important thing is not to fool
yourself that this is good enough.
Not that it isn’t good—it’s full,
at least, of something causing us
to thirst for something full—but
everybody knows salt water won't
satisfy the sailor, and roads, to put
it bluntly, don't qualify as being
there. And there? I’ll tell you what
I know, of course, which is not
to fall for neon promises that
say welcome home, and also not
to buy a camper because you just
aren’t meant to live on wheels.
Other than that my best advice is
keep on moving, cause if it feels
you're being reeled like a fish
on a cosmic hook, just ask a fish
how it feels to yank against
the line. Oh, and be careful if
you find yourself on a long,
smooth stretch that causes you
to nod—in that case, sing a song
or slap yourself, just don't do
as you're inclined. Other than that
you're good to go, and really that's
the key—don't stop till you get
there, and son,
this just ain't it.
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