Incarnating the Images
Incarnating the Image
Overtly, yes, the images present themselves
upon the grainy surface of the writing desk,
their arteries engorged with life enough
to satisfy, if momentarily, the thirsty page beneath
the vacant eye. A lilting labrador
with tumors, a hair stuck on the shower stall,
blue trimming freshly painted on
a yellow house, and on the metaphors extend,
beyond expectancy, as potential gifts of grace
unrequited. And what, we ask, could this
the excess of provision signify, if not
our latent call to don the holy garments
of the priesthood, to realize the images
as sacrifice, artistic oblation to the Imageless—
a calling, yes, to manifest the labradors
and shower hairs as insufficient form
of offered gratitude, presented humbly to the Formless,
fraught with prayerful supplication: Let these
our meager offerings, though paltry, be nonetheless received.
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