Fender Bender, North Market St.

Fender Bender, North Market St.

Our bumpers kissed—perhaps "made-out" is more in line
of what they did—and not the tender kind,
with lips, but teeth on teeth, and loud enough 
to bring the cops. You came out screaming, gruff
and red and huffing, but all that I could think
about was Brave New World (which I fell asleep 
reading last night) and the hypnopaedic verse
of “everyone belongs to everybody else,” 

and how if that were true than I had hit 
my own car, cause what is yours is mine, but it
was not the time for musing jokes. And besides, 
if that were actually the case then I 
would have to own your rage-distorted face, 
the spittle spraying from your mouth, the race
of fresh profanity you birth as if 
to populate a dying planet. And if,
in fact, we shared it all, then logically 
these words are yours, the overhanging tree
that watches as the cops pull up is ours, 
and maybe we are even Someone Else’s, 

a thought so strange it must somehow be true
or absolutely crazy,
like tonight, you, 
and thoughts on God and Huxley as we share
our license information and insurance cards.


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