moth + Friends
moth + Friends
I too find Jennifer Anniston pretty, which
is why I noticed when she grew a mole
between laugh tracks—
perhaps you thought that it’s
the one where Rachel sees a dermatol-
ogist, or maybe nail-clip feathered wings
just need their rest. Regardless, you’re not the first
to make this Columbian journey, navigating
in the night and washing up on shores
Science calls it phototaxis,
transverse orientation, and other names
that intellectualize your mysterious
affinity for late-night Georgia games,
the chipping cab light in my Silverado,
the LED that pops like candy rocks
and bags your pebble corpses down below
its sticky shine.
But nobody fully knows
what makes you do it. Perhaps it’s simpler than
we like to make our things—(pink, brown, and white
spiraled and labeled Neapolitan
as if it’s something new)—
You see a light,
you cling to it.
If that's the case,
I am a moth.
I am a moth.
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