an Eternal Being takes a bath

An Eternal Being Takes a Bath
“He has also set eternity in the human heart.” -Ecclesiastes 3:11

We quickly realized that the no-tear soap
was nothing but a bubbly bottle of false hopes
when you snapped the plastic mast
off of your bathtub ship.

I hastily said that it’s okay and it
is natural sometimes that things will break,
but soaking wet and miserable you asked
the newly-talking toddler question, “why?”

“Some things weren’t made
To last forever,” I said, and passed
it off as if it really were that simple.
But you were not appeased,
and backing me into a corner with another “why,”
I groped to conjure up an answer
good enough to satisfy your searching mind:

“It’s hard to make
a thing that will not break”
I explained,
   and secretly pleased
with my buzzer-beater explanation,
I pulled the drain
and watched the soapy water swirl away,
hoping that with it would go the endless questions,
yet somehow knowing that this would be a fruitless hope.

You forced me to do it:
“God made it that way,” I said -
but even at the age of two,
though words could not express your reservations,
I saw it in the hesitation
of your dripping face
that both of us knew
that I had lied.

You dried your eyes
and went to bed,
and all that was left for me to do
was pray that you would grow to know
how wrong I was.


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