Telemachus' Question: p.383, ll.260
Telemachus' Question: p. 383, ll.260
“But how can I plan my world
“But how can I plan my world
in a sane and thoughtful way?” Telemachus asks,
and looking around my house I see a swirl
of ungraded essays spiraled across the floor,
an unpaid bill taped to the fridge I’ve passed
unnoticed for weeks, and other uns
I’ve unintentionally left undone —
My wife walks through the door
and sees I’m busy and slightly smiles
before heading to the shower —
We know we need to go on a date
but the piles
of work and lesson plans don’t stop for weekend hours —
Damn... I totally forgot to pick up meet
and bread for lunches this week.
If you find out, Telemachus,
I need to know.
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