
Until next year, Odysseus;
go plant your oar
in inland soil,
return to Ithaca’s rocky shore
and rest from twenty years’ toil.

Enjoy a year of summer nights with Penelope,
of April hunting trips with your son
now blossomed into manhood,
of autumn walks with Eumaeus to watch your cattle run
lowing across the island’s wintering woods.

Until next year, Odysseus,
when we will dust you off
and crack you open, and you
will find yourself again a wanderer lost
and held on Ogygia Island, willing to do

whatever must be done to best
the suitors and hold Penelope in your arms.
And we will travel back with you,
and you will teach us something new
and something new and always something new.
But now, our long lost King of Ithaca, rest.


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