A Writing Life

A Writing Life

"They say of vision that it is a deliberate gift, the revelation of a dancer who for my eyes only flings away her seven veils." - Annie Dilliard

I find I’m writing all the time.
With pen and pad and ink, a rhyme
Or two a week, and that’s at most.

But writing, (as a whole,)I’d boast
I’m writing almost every hour
Throughout the day:
                                  In morning showers,
When fingered strands of steam come curling
Up and around the plastic curtain,
Or when I sit to slightly singed
Wheat toast with peanut butter, and begin
To wander down the aimless road
Of breakfast-table thoughts.
                                                I’ll go
To work or to a bar with friends
And find the writing never ends,
The process never stops.
                                        For part
Of the work of writing is living: the art
Of noticing, the art of seeing,
And then of deftly transferring
These life experiences to ink.

So living is writing... or so I've come to think. 


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