It’s not for lack of them available
to the public: in various vehicles
they sit in stacks by the door
at corner stores, state lines, and other
thresholds, collecting dust but free
for taking. They’re even—at least
regarding the long questions—more
or less up-do-date, in that the inter-
state scars are carved so deep that
a name-change here or there doesn’t
necessitate a reprint. We still get
to where we tell ourselves we want
to go, and quicker than before.
No, our chronic lostness is not for
lack of them. If we can’t seem
to arrive at where we need to be,
it may mean puzzling our inability
to decipher direction in lines
that speak in a cadence too fine
for animatronic voice, then slow down
enough to unravel the answer
we're looking for right in our laps.
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