Passers congregate to watch the artist work,
thick as famished moths encountering a porch-
light in the heart of Central Park. “What is
it?” they ask religiously, and tilt their heads
to gain perspective on the ugly, irreligious
marks he scrawls across the canvas cloth.
“But what's it mean?’ they beg to know,
and some resort to theories showing how
it all makes perfect sense if you will squint
accordingly or view it as a piece of modern
art, void of intent—but then another line,
another spot, and explanations must begin
afresh. Watchers fidget as the evening
tightens in. “Meaningless!” some determine,
trickling home despondent at the state
of things. It’s but a hopeful few who stay
until the bitter end, when with a flourish
he inverts the canvas, laughs. They gasp!
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