LOCALIZING It’s the slow work of tightening the circle, one concentric ring at a time: feed from Jody’s Farm Supply, who is Edwin Kathy’s second cousin; eggs from Hillwood— a friend’s farm—until the chickens brood; Tuesday morning readings at the Chickamauga Library. Eventually you begin to discover the secret of being self-sustaining, which is the awakening to how little sustaining happens by yourself, how little the self whose end is simply to sustain. Given time enough, you might begin to write poems that open to nothing more universal than the morning's mushrooms opening beneath the Japanese maple, or the Wat Buddha Monadham temple so oddly placed off Davis Lane, ringed by Baptist churches and the odd Confederate flag. If you refuse to leave and dig in, you might even find yourself one day worshiping the local god who dwells no further than the temple of the tomato plant, whose delight is...